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USTC offers 36 undergraduate programs in 12 disciplines, such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Life Science, Engineering Science, Electronic Information, Computer Science, Geophysics, Environmental Science, Economic Management and Nuclear Engineering.
USTC offers 96 master's programs and 98 doctoral programs in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering Science, Electronic Information, Computer Science, Earth and Space Sciences, Environmental Science, etc.
Programs in Suzhou
Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research locates in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), China. With world renowned faculty, state-of-the-art curriculum and favorable location, USTC here offers English-instructed competitive international master's programs, including Master of Software Engineering (MSE) and Master of Computer Technology (MCT) for international students.
Welcome international students to USTC for semester exchange or visiting study. USTC provides scholarships for outstanding international students.
USTC Fellowship
USTC provides scholarships to outstanding international students, funded by ANSO Scholarship, Chinese Goverment Scholarship and USTC Scholarship.