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An Innovative Three-Terminal Diode Published in Nature Electronics by USTC International Student Muhammad Hunain Memon
Time:2024-07-10,AM 10:00
University of Science and Technology of China

In a significant breakthrough in the field of optoelectronics, Muhammad Hunain Memon, a Pakistani Ph.D. international student from the iGaN Lab, School of Microelectronics, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), under the supervision of Professor Haiding Sun, has developed a revolutionary three-terminal diode (TTD) that functions both as an optical emitter and a photodetector. The research paper was published in the world-renowned journal Nature Electronics, with Memon as the co-first author, and featured as the cover story in the April 2024 issue. 


Article link:

Cover-April-2024 Issue:



About Muhammad Hunain Memon

Muhammad Hunain Memon received his B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from Mehran UET, Pakistan, in 2015, and his master's and doctoral degrees in Electronic Science and Technology from USTC in 2020 and 2024, respectively. He has published numerous research papers in IEEE EDL, IEEE TED, AOM, and Nature Electronics, with a research focus on IoT, acoustic resonators, and III-nitride-based photonic devices and their monolithic integration. Mr. Memon serves on the steering committee for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Chapters and chairs the IEEE USTC student branch. He has received multiple national and international awards for his academic and social contributions.


During his journey at USTC, Muhammad Memon has received numerous awards, including the Outstanding Host, Excellent Volunteer, FSA Member Award, Excellence in Social Services Award, and Excellence in Academic Award. He remains an active volunteer supporting international students, and participates in many events organized by the International College since 2017. As a USTC alumnus, he will continue to showcase his dedication to academic excellence and social responsibility to the international community.

About Professor Haiding Sun

Professor Sun is the head of the iGaN Laboratory and a Ph.D. advisor at School of Microelectronics, USTC. He has been recognized as a National Outstanding Youth, Anhui Provincial Outstanding Youth, and a recipient of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program. Professor Sun has long been dedicated to the preparation of wide-bandgap semiconductor materials, the design and research of optoelectronic devices (LEDs, lasers, and PDs), and power electronic devices (HEMTs). His research also includes low-dimensional materials and devices (nanowires, quantum dots), the growth of new two-dimensional/three-dimensional semiconductor heterojunction materials, carrier transport properties, and the integration and system research of optoelectronic and electronic devices.


In recent years, Professor Sun has published over 140 SCI papers, including more than 10 highly cited ESI papers, in prestigious journals such as Nature Electronics, Nature Photonics, Nature Catalysis, and Advanced Materials, with over 4500 citations on Google Scholar. He holds more than 20 domestic and international patents and has delivered over 100 oral presentations at international conferences, including 28 invited talks. Additionally, he has been invited to write chapters for four books. Professor Sun was honored with the 2021 iCAX Young Scientist Award and the 2021 IAAM Young Scientist Medal. His team has published a series of significant research results, including the first and second Nature Electronics papers in the field of electronic devices from USTC. 
