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Application Procedures
Time:2020-11-24,AM 09:57

1. Online Application

Oct 20th, 2023-February 15th, 2024

● There is no need for finding a host supervisor while applying online. All of your materials and documents (only if your online application is complete) will be sent to the schools and departments for their reference. Online interviews are organized afterwards. 

● Please finish your online application as early as possible, for USTC to evaluate your application and remind you to correct or complete it when necessary.

2. Attend the online interview

February or March

● The online interview will be held by schools or departments accepting international students. 

● The schools and departments will help those who pass the online interview find a host supervisor

●  If the schools have other requirements, the detail information will be sent to applicants later via email.

3. Admission

June or July

1. Online Application

1.1 Create your account in the online application system.

1.2 Fill in all the information and upload the documents as required

Application materials required:

● Scanned copy of passport (ordinary passport with validity of at least one year)

● Curriculum Vitae

● At least two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors

(with phone number and email address)

● Scanned copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Right click to Download)

● Applicants for programs must provide the photocopy of valid IELTS or TOEFL result or other proof of their English proficiency (except those whose mother tongue is English)

● Photocopy of degree certificate and academic transcript for both Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree (if have) notarized by Ministry of Education or equivalent authority in your country

*If applicants are university students, they must provide official documents showing their university student status and the exact time they will obtain their degree certificate;

*If applicants already graduated but have not yet obtained the degree certificate, they must provide official documents explaining the reasons and stating clearly when they will obtain the degree certificate;

*If applicants are already employed, they must provide official documents showing their status as on-post employees and permission of release.

※  Notarized translation in Chinese or English must be attached if the submitted documents are not in Chinese or English.

Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the application result.

2. Online Interview

The complete application materials will be reviewed by a group of experts from relevant departments /schools, and the candidates for the online interview will be selected based on the review results. The specific content, format, requirements and time arrangement of online interviews are decided by each department / school and will be notified to applicants.

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