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Admission Procedure
Time:2020-11-30,PM 05:22

Q1. Is there an examination or interview conducted after the submission of application?

A: An online interview will be held by schools/departments to select a certain number of applicants based on the review of applicants' application documentation. 

Q2. When will the interview be held? Is it online or in site?

A: The time and arrangement for interview will be notified later (usually held in May or June). There will be an online interview. The detailed information will be emailed. Please check the email address that you used for login in the application system of USTC otherwise you may miss important information like interview notice.

Q3. How will you select applications?

A: 1. All the complete applications will be reviewed by International College of USTC for the first round to check mainly the eligibility. 2. Applications passed in the first round will be reviewed by professors, departments and schools and selected to be interviewed online to check mainly academic background, research capability and intended research field. 3. Applicants who pass the school interview will be reviewed by USTC selection committee to finalize the list of nominated candidates for different programs.

Q4. When and where can I know the result?

A: You can check the status of your application in the online application system. The final list of awardees will be announced on our website in July.

Q5. If I get admission, when can I receive admission documents?

A: We will send to you by post the admission documents usually in late July or August.

Q6. What should I do if I receive admission documents?

A: After receiving admission documents, you should apply for student visa as soon as possible in Chinese Embassy/Consulate and get prepared for coming to USTC.

Q7. If I get admission, when will the semester start?

A: It will start in Sept., 2023.

How To Apply