Ph. D., 1999 | Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, |
BSc, 1994 | Department of Applied Chemistry, Tianjin University, Tianjin |
2004-Present | Professor, State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, PR China |
2002- 2004 | Postdoctor Research Associate, Center for Green Manufacturing, Department of Chemistry, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA |
2001-2002 | Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan |
1999- 2001 | Post doctor Research Fellow, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PR China |
¨ Recipient of the “One hundred Talents” funding award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004
¨ Recipient of the “Distinguished Young Scholar Foundation of Jilin Province” funding award, 2006
¨ 2008年25th Rare Earth Research Conference (RERC08) International Advisory Committee
¨ 2011年 Recipient of the “Adjunct Professor of Ganpan talent 555 project, Jiangxi Academy of Sciences”
¨ Green separation chemistry and technique for the rare earth, hazardous metal ions and organic compounds.
¨ Ionic liquids synthesis and application on separation and advanced functional materials
¨ Aqueous Biphasic Systems preparation and application on environmental protection
¨ Green chemistry
¨ Interfacial Molecular / Ionic Interaction and Mass Transfer in Extraction Process
¨ Clean Rare Earth Metallurgical Engineering and Demonstration
Staff Chen Ji Professor Sun Xiaoqi Assistant Professor Ph.D Deng Yuefeng Assistant Professor Liu Yu Assistant Professor | |
Gradute students Ph. D candidates: Zhang Chao, Liu Yinghui, Zhu Lili, Yang Hualing, Zhang Dongli, Wang We | |
M. Sc candidates: Fan Caihong, Long Tao, Ji Yang, Guo Lin, Cui Hongmin |
1. Fundamental research and application of green solvents ( room temperature ionic liquids and aqueous biphasic systems)
Ionic liquids are a new class of international hot field during the last few years, and often said to be green solvents as replace traditional volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ionic liquids exhibit useful properties such as an extremely low volatility, chemical and thermal stability, nonflammability, and nontoxicity. Due to these unique properties, ILs have been widely used in organic chemical reaction, electrochemical application, separation, molecular self-assemblies, biochemistry. Our most research is summarized below:
(1) Design, synthesis and characterization of the new type ionic liquids and scale-up preparation of ionic liquids. We have synthesized dozens of ionic liquids at laboratory scale. The continuous microwave equipment has been invented and used for the continuous preparation of the ionic liquid. Now the synthesis scale of ionic liquids has already reached hundred kilograms levels, and the platform of the scale-up synthesis and purification of ionic liquid has been established in our laboratory.
(2) Research and application of ionic liquids based advanced functional material. The ionic liquids based infrared absorption material has been designed, prepared and applied in our laboratory, and this research work already obtained the approval of related experts. We had already prepared and characterized some new ionic liquids loaded resin adsorption materials, and the resin carriers include SiO2 sol-gel, XAD-7, PsmimX- and cellulose/chitosan biosorbents et al.
(3) The fundamental study of IL on the separation science and technology of rare earth, hazardous metal ions and organic compounds. The studies were mainly focused on the new IL-based separation systems, such as Cyanex923, N1923, DEHEHP, Cyphos@104 et al extractants dissolved in [Cnmim]PF6/Tf2N or biodiesel as organic extractive systems for the extraction of rare earth or related metal ions. The application of the IL loaded resin material prepared in above item 2 for the adsorption of metal ions including rare earth and environmental hazardous Cr(IV), Ni(II) et al was also studied. At the same time, our lab studied the separation of acetate-ethanol azeotropic mixture, and the enrichment of aromatic compounds such as nitrobenzene and phenol and so on using IL and Aqueous Biphasic Systems from their aqueous solutions, and invented an easy, clean and high efficiency method for recovery the aromatic compounds from polluted water.
2. Application of green technology and clean process on the separation of rare earth and related metal resources
Facing to the demand and development of the country to the resources and environment, as well as major strategic, the comprehensive utilization of the important resources of valuable metal elements such as rare earth mine, cobalt-nickel mine, vanadium mine and oil shale ash are being conducted. From fundamental study of complex extractive systems to the industry practice, the clean technology was developed to solve core technology.
(1) The current pollution produced in the processes of rare earth metallurgy in Panxi of Sichuan mainly comes from Th(IV) and F(I) in the rare earth mine. It is important to utilize and recycle the valuable elements such as Th and F and so on. At the same time, as important nuclear materials, the potential utilization value of Th(IV) is being concerned from both government and market . We have studied several separation systems based on the extraction of Ce(IV), Th(IV) and RE(III) using [C8mim]PF6 with N1923 and DEHEHP, and the new ILs-based separation technique on Sichuan Bastnasite has been successful at bench scale, and more evaluation for this system is being conducted.
(2) Commercial utilization of Fe, Al and rare earth metal elements enriched in the oil shale ash is receiving wide attention since billion tons of oil shale in Jilin province was found and exploited. Reserve of rare earth resources in oil shale can be 1450,000 tons of rare earth in oil shale of Jilin province. In order to develop economy of Jilin province and solve the shortage of mineral resources and environmental protection, it is important to study and utilize the oil shale resources and recovery the rare earth. We are investigating the enrichment of the rare earth from oil shale ash, and developing a new valuable promising technology under the support of “863 program” from China Ministry of Science and Technology.
¨ Chinese Academy of Sciences, ‘Hundred of Talents’ Program
¨ Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program
¨ National Key Technology R&D Program of China
¨ National High-tech R&D Program of China
¨ Distinguished Young Scholar Foundation of Jilin Province
Recent Publications
1. Xiaoqi Sun, Bo Peng, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li Fang Luo An effective method for enhancing metal-ions’ selectivity of ionic liquid-based extraction system: adding water-soluble complexing agent, Talanta, 2008, 74, 1071-1074.
2. Chao Zhang, Ji Chen *, Yunchun Zhou, Deqian Li, Ionic Liquids Based “all-in-one” Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Lanthanide Fluorides, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 10083-10088.
3. Dong L. Zhang, Yue F. Deng, Chuan B. Li, and Ji Chen*, Separation of ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotropic mixture using hydrophilic ionic liquids, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008, 47, 1995-2001.
4. Yong Zuo, Yu Liu, Ji Chen, D. Li, The separation of Cerium(IV) from nitric acid solutions containing Thorium(IV) and Lanthanides(III) using pure [C8mim]PF6 as extracting phase, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008, 47, 2349-2355.
5. Lili Zhu, Yinghui Liu, Ji Chen* Synthesis of N-methylimidazolium functionalized strongly basic anion exchange resins for adsorption of Cr(VI) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2008 accepted
6. Zhang D, Deng Y. Chen J*. Separation of ternary systems of hydrophilic ionic liquid with miscible organic compounds by RPLC with refractive index detection, J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 1060-1066.
7. X.Q, Sun, B. Peng, J. Chen* Chitin(chitosan)/cellulose composite biosorbents prepared using ionic liquid for heavy metal ions adsorption AIChE. J 2008, accepted.
8. X. Sun, B. Peng, J. Chen*, D. Li. The solid-liquid extraction of Yttrium from rare earths by solvent (ionic liquid) impreganated resin coupled with complexing method, Sep. Pur. Tech. 2008, 63, 61-68.
9. Y. Zuo, J. Chen, D. Q. Li Reversed micellar solubilization extraction and separation of thorium (IV ) from rare earth (III) by primary amine N1923 in ionic liquid, Sep. Pur. Tech. 2008 63, 684-690.
10. N. Liu, F. Luo, H. Wu, Y. Liu, C. Zhang, J. Chen. One-step ionic liquid-assisted electrochemical synthesis of ionic liquid-functionalized graphene sheet directly from graphite, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18, 1815-1825.
11. Yinghui Liu, Qilin Cao, Fang Luo*, Ji Chen Biosorption of Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ ions from aqueous solutions by pretreated biomass of brown algae, J. Hazard. Mate. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.07.046
12. Yuefeng Deng, Ji Chen*, Dongli Zhang. Phase diagram data for several salt + salt aqueous biphasic systems at 298.15K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2007, 52, 1332-1335.
13. Na Liu, Di Wu, Haoxi Wu, Fang Luo, Ji Chen. Controlable Synthesis of Metal Hydroxide and Oxide Nanostructures by Ionic Liquids Assisted Electrochemical Corrosion Method, Solid State Sci. 2008, 10, 1049-1055.
14. Xiaoqi Sun, Dongbei Wu, Ji Chen* and Deqian Li. Separation of Scandium(III) from Lanthanides(III) with room temperature ionic liquid based extraction containing Cyanex 925, J. Chem. Tech. Biotech. 2007, 82, 267-272.
15. Yinghui Liu, Xiaoqi Sun, Fang Luo and Ji Chen* The preparation of sol-gel materials doped with ionic liquids and trialkyl phosphine oxides for Yttrium(III) uptake, Anal. Chim. Acta 2007, 604/2, 107-113.
16. Ce Liu, Fang Luo, Na Liu, Yan Cui, Xiang Wang, Enbo Wang, Ji Chen One-Dimensional Helical Chain Based Decatungstate and Cerium Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Material, Crystal Growth & Design 2006, 6, 2658-2660
17. Xiaoqi Sun, Aimei Xu, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li Application of room temperature ionic liquid-based extraction for metal ions, Chin. J. Anal. Chem. 2007, 35, 597-604. (Chinese)
18. J. Chen, S.K. Spear, J. G. Huddleston, J. D. Holbrey, R. D. Rogers, Aqueous polyethylene glycol solutions as green reaction media. (Critical Review), Green Chem. 2005, 7, 64-82. (cover article,2005-2007 Top 10 most accessed article)
19. J. Chen, S.K. Spear, J. G. Huddleston, J. D. Holbrey, R. P. Swatloski, R. D. Rogers, The application of polyethylene glycolbased aqueous biphasic systems in reaction and reactive extraction media, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2004. 43, 5358-5364.
20. J. Chen, S. K. Spear, J. G. Huddleston, J. D. Holbrey and R. D. Rogers, Application of polyethylene glycol-based aqueous biphasic reactive extraction to the oxidation of olefins , J. Chromatography. B. 2004, 807,145-149.
21. J. Chen, D. Li, The sixth chapter “ the application of aqueous biphasic systems on green separation chemisty”, solvents extraction and separation edited by Zhu Tun, Li Zhou, Chemical industry press, 2008, P280-331 (Chinese).
Recent Patents
1. J. Chen, X. Hu, Y. Liu. Microwave continuous reaction equipment. China Patent: ZL200620029596.9 (2007-11-07).
2. J. Chen,Y. Deng, D. Zhang. Enrichment technique of ionic liquid in a water solution. China patent:ZL200610017298.2 (2008-07-30)
3. J. Chen. Y. Liu, X. Sun. Method for preparing embedding ionic liquid and neutral phosphor (phosphine) extractant composite material and its use. China patent:ZL200610017182.9 (2008-07-30)
4. J. Chen,Y. Deng, D. Zhang. Method for extracting and separating ethyl acetate-ethanol system using ionic liquid. China patent: ZL200610131694.8(2006-08-20)
5. J. Chen, X. Hu, Y. Liu. Application of microwave successive reaction device. China patent ZL: 200610131638.4(2008-12-17)
6. J. Chen, X. Hu, Y. Liu. Method for preparing ionic liquor. China invention patent application: 200610131643.5(2006-11-16)
7. J. Chen,Y. Deng, D. Zhang. A technics for separation nanoparticles. China invention patent application: 200610163261.0(2006-12-15)
8. J. Chen, C. Zhang. Preparation of nanometer particle of rare earth fluoride using ionic liquid. China invention patent application: 200710055518.5(2007-04-12)
9. J. Chen,L. Guo, Y. Liu. Decoloring and deinking of office wastepaper. China invention patent application: 200710055832.3(2007-07-04)
10. J. Chen, D. Zhang, Y. Deng. A method for concentration aromatic compound from waste water by ABS. China invention patent application: 200710056179.2 (2007 -10-16)
11. J. Chen, Y. Deng, D. Zhang. T. Long, A method for preparing TiO2 porous particles. China invention patent application: 200710056250.7 (2007 -10-30)
12. J. Chen, Y. Deng, D. Zhang. A method for concentration lactic acid from fermentation liquid. China invention patent application: 200710056251.1 (2007 -10-30)
13. J. Chen, X. Sun, B. Peng. A method for preparing and application dipped resin with extractant and ionic liquid film. China invention patent application: 200710306658.5(2008 –1-16)
14. J. Chen, X. Sun, B. Peng. A method for preparing and application biological absorbent with adsorptive of metal ion. China invention patent application: 200710307574.3 (2008 –1-16)
15. J. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Deng. X. Sun, A selective infrared absorption material based on ionic liquid and its preparation method. China invention patent application:200810050432.8(2008-3-6)
16. J. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Deng, X. Sun, Infrared absorption material of ionic liquid compounds and their preparation method. China invention patent application: 200810050431.3(2008-3-6)
17. J. D. Holbrey, R. P. Swatloski, J. Chen, D. Daly, R. D. Rogers, Polymer Dissolution and Blend Formation In Ionic Compounds, US11/087, 496 and WO 2005098546 A2..
18. J. Chen, B. Wang, Q. Liu, H. Liu, Purification of Penicillin using three-phase one step method. China patent: ZL 00107655.8, (2003-09-17).
19. J. Chen, B. Wang, Q. Liu, H. Liu, Spontaneous Suction Phase-Dispersing (SSPD) Equipmen China patent: ZL: 00107700.7, (2003-12-31).
We have wide and close international collaboration with the excellent scientists from USA, Japan, Russia. We often invited foreign scientist to CIAC for the academic exchange, and took part in international important conferences.
Professor Robin Don Rogers Visted Great Wall
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The Green Separation Chemistry and Techniques
State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization
Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Renmin Street 5625, Changchun, 130022
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