时间:2020-07-15,AM 10:10



01 来自孟加拉国的诗歌分享


Life is about endless learning and endless learning is all about the people, nature, culture, etc. around us. The primary source of learning is our family members and it starts from childhood, but with each day passes we are becoming mature, and in turn, source could be changed to anything we see with our naked eyes or feel from core of our hearts, it depends on individuals’ intentions, actually. However, country’s tradition and culture have been continuously scaling up my views and ethics in diverse ways; therefore, I love this poem as it’s unveiling almost all the aforementioned facts so precisely.  

--- PRADIPTA ROY DIP (School of Physical Sciences)

PRADIPTA ROY DIP的原创诗歌向我们介绍了孟加拉国的自然风光、传统习俗、文化背景。孟加拉国历史悠久,被称为“水泽之乡”和“河塘之国”,是世界上河流最稠密的国家之一。联合国教科文组织把2月21日定为国际母语日,为了在全球范围内纪念那些为了争取孟加拉语的合法地位而牺牲的烈士们。这片土地有六个季节,黄麻是该国的黄金纤维。人民热爱生活、充满朝气、热情好客,若是你要走,人们不会说“再见”,而是说“再回来”。祖国的文化和传统从童年开始以各种方式不断影响着PRADIPTA ROY DIP,让他以更包容更开阔的心态面对这个世界。




Amir Reza Dastkhosh (School of Information Science and Technology)跟我们分享了中世纪波斯诗人Saadi Shirazi的一首著名诗歌。Saadi 保留下来的作品里抒情诗约600多首,通过对花鸟、山水、静夜的描写,寄托了诗人对大自然的热爱和对美好人生的向往。他的诗结构严密,语言凝练流畅,韵律抑扬有致,是波斯文学的典范。他被誉为“波斯古典文坛最伟大的人物”,在波斯文学史上占有崇高地位,是公认的支撑波斯文学殿堂的四根柱石之一。




I love this poem because it talks about how Nepal and Nepalese are. It mentions Nepal as a symbol of peace as it is the birthplace of Lord Gautama Buddha, and mentions it as an epitome of beauty as it is the home to eight of the top ten highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest. I also love this poem because it reminds me of my fiduciary duty towards my country as its citizen, duty to protect its sovereignty and ensure that I do not engage myself in anything that will stain my country’s integrity. The poem truly has done justice in representing how much we, Nepalese love our motherland. It is a call not only for Nepalese but also for everyone in the globe to cultivate love and a strong passion in themselves to act for the betterment of their homeland and humanity.   

--- Prem Thapamagar (School of Management)

尼泊尔是和平的象征,每个人都能在宗教、文化和语言的多样性中找到内心的宁静。尼泊尔也是美丽的象征,大自然赐予尼泊尔神的祝福,世界十大高峰有八座在中尼边境。这首诗恰如其分地表达了尼泊尔人对祖国的热爱,也一直提醒着Prem Thapamagar,作为国家的公民,有责任保护国家主权,也有责任做国家的文化使者,让更多人了解尼泊尔文化。

04 来自俄罗斯的诗歌分享


The poem "Motherland" by Lermontov surely can be considered as one of the best Patriotic works in Russia. One of its main advantages is the lack of pathos and great sincerity of the author. The author doesn’t understand what exactly for he does love his country. He just loves it. In this poem we can understand that despite of any problems and difficult life inside the country sometimes, people still love their motherland “with a queer passion, mind isn't able to absorb it, yet!”. Lermontov perfectly understood some weakness and problems of the life in Russia at that time (19th century), but it is impossible not to love your own mother – your motherland – Russia, so he admires the pictures of the vast Russian landscape.  

---Ivan Milevskiy (School of Management)

这首诗的作者是俄罗斯最著名的诗人之一Mikhail Lermontov(1814 - 1841),他在俄罗斯乃至世界文学上做出了重要的贡献。这首《祖国》无疑是俄罗斯最优秀的爱国主义作品之一。诗人宣称他对祖国的爱没有合理的依据,那是他与生俱来的情感。在本首诗中,诗人对简单乡村风景的深情描写、对普通人生活的细微刻画,每一处都透露着满满的爱国情怀。

05 来自菲律宾的诗歌分享


The “I am proud to be a Filipino” poem by Toribia Mano represents some of the cultures of the Philippines. This is a mesmerizing poem played by most of the primary educational institutions in the Philippines as it does not only tell the history of the country but also portrays the beauty of its archipelago and its people. On the other hand, the poem furtherly describes the characteristics, kind of living and beliefs of Filipinos. Filipinos are known for their brown skin color, which the poem describes as “kayumanggi”. Personally, I believe this is one of the charms of my fellow Filipino men. 

--- Crismin Joy Lagamayo (School of Management)

“I am proud to be a Filipino”是来自Toribia Mano的一首爱国诗歌。不仅讲述了这个国家的历史,也描绘了群岛的美丽和它的人民。菲律宾是一个多民族群岛国家,目前有7,601个岛屿,地处热带,只有干湿两季。农林业、渔业、采矿业是生活的主要来源。菲律宾处于火山带,有200多座火山,其中活火山21座,火山活动十分频繁,正如诗中所描述的那样,是一个火山岩石丰富的国家。另一方面,诗进一步描述了菲律宾人的特点、生活方式和信仰。Crismin Joy Lagamayo认为,肤色是菲律宾人独有的魅力之一。

06 来自尼日利亚的诗歌分享



“Treasure your character my friend” is a native poem of the Yoruba tribe of south-western Nigeria. In early 60s to the 80s and early 90s, native dialect poetic recitation forms part of the education curriculum of the south-western part of Nigeria who are predominantly the Yoruba tribe. The native Yoruba dialect is also incorporated to the poetic schemes of elementary schools to protect indigenous language from being eroded. Our character defines us, and if we lost good character; we lost ourselves in the process.  

--- Oyebanji Mayowa Omodele (Hefei Institute of Physical Science)

“Treasure your character my friend”是尼日利亚西南部约鲁巴部落的一首本土诗歌。在60年代早期到80年代和90年代早期,当地方言诗歌背诵成为尼日利亚西南部约鲁巴部落教育课程的一部分,土著约鲁巴方言也被纳入小学的诗意计划,以保护土著语言。这首诗鼓励培养良好的性格,我们的性格影响、决定了我们。这首诗的成功在很大程度上要归功于民俗学者兼作家Joseph Odunjo,他通过“Alawiye Yoruba”系列文学作品,将“Treasure your character”引入了早期儿童教育领域,并纳入小学课程。
