诗意的世界如同明月之光,萦绕在每一个犹疑于埋头苦寻六便士的人心中。为促进中外交流,营造轻松和谐的校园文化氛围,四月末,中国科学技术大学国际学院面向全校开展了“微文学”创意写作大赛,并收到了多篇优秀的投稿作品,在此感谢所有积极参与创作的小伙伴们! 本次“微文学”创意写作大赛共有56篇作品入围投票,包括28篇中文组作品,28篇外语组作品。经过激烈的投票角逐,本次“微文学”创意写作大赛的获奖作品终于揭晓。各组别获奖名单和作品公示如下:
To promote a diverse and harmonious cultural atmosphere in the university, the International College organized the 2nd “Mini Literature” USTC creative writing competition in late April and received many excellent works. We greatly appreciated everyone's active participation in the creative writing competition. There are 56 works passing the pre-selection and entering the round of public voting, among which 28 works are from the Chinese language group, and 28 works are from the Foreign Language group. After voting, the complete list of winners for the "Mini Literature" Creative Writing Contest is to be unveiled as follows:
l 最佳人气奖Best popularity award: 马璇戈
l 最具创意奖The most creative award: 吴知芝
l 最具故事性奖The best story-telling prize: 马璇戈
l 优秀奖Excellence Awards:
1. 中文组Chinese Language Group
Muhammad Meesum Bilal
2. 外语组Foreign Language Group
Ri Elle
Portnova Kseniia
Laila Khalid
The best popularity award winner will get an aroma diffuser, the most creative award winner will get a pair of Bluetooth earphones, the best story-telling prize winners will get a Bluetooth speaker, and the excellence award winners will get a USTC keychain, In addition, the International College has designed a mini-book version of the works collection as a souvenir for all the participants. Please pay attention to the email notification to collect your prize from the International College.
Thanks again to everyone who writes and shares your work! Thanks to all for voting for these creative works! Your active participation and support have made the contest a great success. In the future, the International College will hold more activities to promote the integration of Chinese and foreign cultures. Follow us to await more surprises!